Is your company being heard? Lessons schools are teaching us, high street brands failing, and your so that — EASTWEST Public Relations
Brands have different perceptions of dealing with the pandemic. For instance, in the High Street, Barclays had a post-it note for hearts in the window. NatWest had some quite good written branded information on the windows. Costa just had some brown paper over the windows. Many shops were looking just as though they’d been abandoned, not just furloughed. Marks and Spencer’s was advertising a sale with big rainbow hearts, full height of the windows, and with the doors open, showing that they are open for business. Online, NatWest talks about the coronavirus and how they can help customers get through it. The Barclays website was a bit slower to load, and it has a COVID page. H&M, which in person both said We’re Open and We’re Closed at the same time, had no mention of the coronavirus on their website, unlike the others. These companies are showing, to some degree, how much they care about their customers, because they offer almost tacit acknowledgment that there’s a difference to business, but they are not really helping customers get through it.
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