It’s no joke to get your PR show on Apple TV, but its the best way to get an Amazon ranking — EASTWEST Public Relations

Jim James
2 min readMay 18, 2022

Morry Morgan is an entrepreneur and author who now brands himself on LinkedIn as “The Wisecracking entrepreneur.” The development of Morry’s personal skill set started when he took up microbiology in university. He was in the Australian Army as a member of the Medical Corps and as a microbiologist in that capacity, so there was no way he would have ever imagined that his skill sets would be in training, in China, in stand-up comedy, and in entrepreneurship. He’d use a microbiologist to describe what he’s learned, and that is, “Chance favors the prepared mind.” Louis Pasteur, the French microbiologist coined this, and Morry absolutely agrees. He says the more input you give yourself through life experiences, whether they’re intentional or not, the more ready you are when an opportunity presents itself. He calls himself “wisecracking,” because he likes to consider himself relatively intelligent but with a sense of humor. He sees opportunities where others have not. Currently, Morry has a web series entitled Is This Thing On?, because anyone who grabs hold of a microphone, particularly in comedy, says that especially if they’re a bit unsure of themselves. Only the first two episodes are on YouTube while the entire six episodes will go to Apple TV. Morry says this whole thing is actually a marketing and PR exercise. What is the purpose of this PR and marketing? It is for the stand-up comedy school he founded called the School of Hard Knock Knocks.

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